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Teacher Education in Ukraine [E-Book] [pdf]
  • Teacher Education in Ukraine [E-Book] [pdf]

Teacher Education in Ukraine [E-Book] [pdf]

40,95 zł

This publication is directed to the pedagogical workers of different types of educational establishments, the researchers in the field of pedagogics, theory and practice of bringing-up, didactics, the students and postgraduates of higher pedagogical educational establishments, everyone who is interested in the problems of training and professional activities of Ukrainian teachers.

This publication is directed to the pedagogical workers of different types of educational establishments, the researchers in the field of pedagogics, theory and practice of bringing-up, didactics, the students and postgraduates of higher pedagogical educational establishments, everyone who is interested in the problems of training and professional activities of Ukrainian teachers.

  • Autor / Autorzy:
  • Wydawca: UMCS
  • Rok wydania: 2014
  • Liczba stron: 284
  • Format: pdf
  • Publikacja jest zabezpieczona przed nieuprawnioną dystrybucją. Rodzaj zabezpieczenia: Watermark
  • Przed zakupem przeczytaj zasady licencji, która zostanie udzielona kupującemu niniejszą publikację elektroniczną.
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