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Studies on disability. International Theoretical, Empirical and Didactics Experiences [E-Book] [pdf]
  • Studies on disability. International Theoretical, Empirical and Didactics Experiences [E-Book] [pdf]

Studies on disability. International Theoretical, Empirical and Didactics Experiences [E-Book] [pdf]

39,00 zł

The major rise of the movement supporting persons with disabilities and the intensification of the need to initiate, design and implement integrated support systems require training of professionals – leaders, specialists, researchers. Their competences will enable efficient implementation of multidimensional actions directed at persons with disabilities and their environment, including, among others, being an advocate of their rights, leader in the fight for their place in the society and for a change of social attitudes, being involved in the preparation of the media for promotion of persons with disabilities, being a specialist working in local communities. The first training programme of Disability Studies was established in the United States in 1994 at Syracuse University and in 2005 a study major under this name was created. Since 2005, the number of universities offering the study major Disability Studies has been growing, both in the United States, Australia, New Zealand and Canada and in European countries.

  • Autor / Autorzy:
  • Wydawca: Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej
  • Rok wydania: 2017
  • Liczba stron: 336
  • Format: pdf
  • Publikacja jest zabezpieczona przed nieuprawnioną dystrybucją. Rodzaj zabezpieczenia: Watermark
  • Przed zakupem przeczytaj zasady licencji, która zostanie udzielona kupującemu niniejszą publikację elektroniczną.
Akademia Pedagogiki Specjalnej
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