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The art of legal negotiations [E-Book] [pdf]
  • The art of legal negotiations [E-Book] [pdf]

The art of legal negotiations [E-Book] [pdf]

54,60 zł

What are legal negotiations? What is their structure? Is there one method of successful legal negotiation? Is it reasonable to settle disputes through negotiations? These are some of the questions which Jerzy Stelmach and Bartosz Brożek address in this volume. They posit that one could - and should - view the law as a 'negotiable phenomenon', thus dispensing with the constraints imposed by legal positivism. They claim further that, as there is no unique key to legal negotiations, one should acknowledge that there are different models of negotiating, and identify three such possible models: the argumentation, the topic-rhetorical and the economic. The models are described both from the theoretical perspective, as well as by providing catalogues of the principles of right, efficacious and economically efficient negotiating.

  • Autor / Autorzy: Jerzy Stelmach, Bartosz Brożek
  • Wydawca: Wolters Kluwer
  • Rok wydania: 2012
  • Liczba stron: 156
  • Format: pdf
  • Publikacja jest zabezpieczona przed nieuprawnioną dystrybucją. Rodzaj zabezpieczenia: Watermark
  • Przed zakupem przeczytaj zasady licencji, która zostanie udzielona kupującemu niniejszą publikację elektroniczną.
Wolters Kluwer
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